Source code for percentagent.guess_format

#!/usr/bin/env python

from collections import Counter, OrderedDict, namedtuple
import datetime
import itertools
import re

from percentagent.extract_patterns import TimeLocaleSet

_Assignment = namedtuple("_Assignment", (

[docs]class DateParser(object): """ Infer :manpage:`strftime(3)`-style format strings that could have produced given date and/or time strings. If you don't provide a locale set, then one will be constructed for you with :py:meth:`TimeLocaleSet.default`. This is usually what you want, but you can construct special-purpose sets if needed. This class precomputes some large data structures when constructed, so you should reuse the same instance for multiple parses, if possible. Instances of this class may safely be used from multiple threads. :param TimeLocaleSet locale_set: locales to consider when parsing timestamps """ _whitespace = re.compile(r'\s+') def __init__(self, locale_set=None): if locale_set is None: locale_set = TimeLocaleSet.default() self.locale_set = locale_set strings = set(itertools.chain(locale_set.prefixes, locale_set.keywords, locale_set.suffixes)) self.compiled = re.compile(r'(\d{1,2}|[+-]\d{4}|' + '|'.join(map(re.escape, sorted(strings, reverse=True))) + ')', re.I)
[docs] def parse(self, s): """ Infer format strings for a single timestamp. For example: >>> parser = DateParser(TimeLocaleSet()) >>> parser.parse("2018-01-09") [('%Y-%m-%d',, 1, 9), None), ('%Y-%d-%m',, 9, 1), None)] That output indicates that the input can be explained by either year-month-day order or year-day-month order, and there are no hints indicating which locale the date was formatted for. On the other hand, "13" is too large to be a month number, so this example is unambiguous: >>> parser.parse("2018-05-13") [('%Y-%m-%d',, 5, 13), None)] Separators are not required between conversions, but they can help with ambiguity: >>> sorted(fmt for fmt, value, locales in parser.parse("210456")) ['%H%M%S', '%d%m%y'] >>> parser.parse("21-04-56") [('%d-%m-%y',, 4, 21), None)] >>> parser.parse("21:04:56") [('%H:%M:%S', datetime.time(21, 4, 56), None)] Using locale-specific strings can help avoid ambiguity too: >>> parser = DateParser(TimeLocaleSet( ... mon={"Jan;Feb;Mar;Apr;May;Jun;Jul;Aug;Sep;Oct;Nov;Dec": ["en_US"]}, ... )) >>> parser.parse("2018Jan9") [('%Y%b%d',, 1, 9), frozenset({'en_US'}))] :param str s: text which contains a date and/or time :return: possible format strings, and corresponding locales :rtype: list(tuple(str, set(str) or None)) """ segments = self.compiled.split(self._whitespace.sub(" ", s)) literals = segments[::2] raw = segments[1::2] if not raw: return [] case = list(map(str.casefold, raw)) prefixes = [{}] + [dict(self.locale_set.prefixes.get(match, ())) for match in case[:-1]] suffixes = [dict(self.locale_set.suffixes.get(match, ())) for match in case[1:]] + [{}] groups = _DateTime(**{ field: [] for field in _DateTime._fields }) choices_per_position = {} always_literal = set() numeric = set() for idx, (prefix, suffix) in enumerate(zip(prefixes, suffixes)): keyword = self._lookup_keyword(raw[idx]) if "y" in prefix: prefix["C"] = tuple(set(prefix["y"] + prefix.get("C", ()))) if not keyword: always_literal.add(idx) else: if raw[idx].isdigit(): numeric.add(idx) choices_per_position[idx] = len(keyword) for fmt, value, locales in keyword: category = fmt[-1] if category == "b": # Month-names should be treated like numeric months. category = "m" elif category == "z": category = "Z" getattr(groups, category).append(_Assignment( fmt=fmt, pos=idx, value=value, locales=locales, prefix=prefix.get(fmt[-1]), suffix=suffix.get(fmt[-1]), )) numeric = frozenset(numeric) # If a required date field is unsatisfiable, this is not a date. if not all(getattr(groups, category) for category in _State._min_date_formats): for category in _State._all_date_formats: getattr(groups, category).clear() # If a required time field is unsatisfiable, this is not a time. if not all(getattr(groups, category) for category in _State._min_time_formats): for category in _State._all_time_formats: getattr(groups, category).clear() for group in groups: group.sort(key=lambda assignment: ( -self._optimistic_score(assignment), choices_per_position[assignment.pos], )) required_formats = _State._min_date_formats + _State._min_time_formats groups = OrderedDict(sorted( ( ( category, ( group, tuple( (f, required) for f, required in _position_constraints if category in required ), tuple( (f, required) for f, required, revisit in _value_constraints if category in required or category in revisit ), ) ) for category, group in zip(groups._fields, groups) if group ), key=lambda i: (i[0] not in required_formats, len(i[1][0])) )) # We've already filtered out all possibilities; there's nothing here. if not groups: return [] constrained_groups = [] while groups: category, (group, position, value) = groups.popitem(last=False) constrained_groups.append((category, group, position, value)) required = frozenset(itertools.chain.from_iterable(required for f, required in itertools.chain(position, value))) if required: required = [ category for category in reversed(groups.keys()) if category in required ] for category in required: groups.move_to_end(category, last=False) groups = constrained_groups best_quality = 0 best_candidates = [] partials = [ _State.empty._replace( unconverted=frozenset(always_literal), remaining_groups=tuple(groups), ).children(numeric=numeric) ] while partials: try: quality, locales, state = next(partials[-1]) except StopIteration: partials.pop() continue if state.remaining_groups: # Admissable heuristic: compute the best score each group # could possibly achieve. Don't count conversion specifiers # that we've already used, but don't worry about conflicts # in the groups we haven't assigned yet. Any such conflicts # can only reduce the resulting score, and we only need to # make sure that the heuristic is at least as large as the # true value of the best leaf in this subtree. However, the # more precise we can be here, the fewer nodes we have to # search, so we can spend some CPU time on precision and # still come out ahead. assigned = state.unconverted.union(state.pos).difference((None,)) heuristic = len(state.pending_hints) + sum( next(( self._optimistic_score(assignment) for assignment in group[1] if assignment.pos not in assigned ), 0) for group in state.remaining_groups ) if quality + heuristic < best_quality: # Even assuming the remaining groups get the highest # possible score, this state is still not good enough. continue partials.append(state.children(numeric=numeric)) continue value = state.valid() if value is None: continue quality, locales, state = state.final_score() if best_quality is not None and quality < best_quality: # We've seen better, so skip this one. continue if quality != best_quality: best_quality = quality best_candidates = [] conversions = dict(zip(state.pos, state.fmts)) fmts = [ conversions.get(idx) or literal for idx, literal in enumerate(raw) ] pattern = ''.join(lit + fmt for lit, fmt in zip(literals, fmts + [''])).replace("%C%y", "%Y") best_candidates.append((pattern, value, locales)) return best_candidates
def _lookup_keyword(self, raw): keyword = raw.casefold() found = self.locale_set.keywords.get(keyword) if found: ret = [] for fmt, value, locales in found: locales = frozenset(locales) if fmt == "O": ret.extend(self._legal_number("%O", value, locales)) else: ret.append(("%" + fmt, value, locales)) return tuple(ret) if keyword[0] in "+-": if keyword[1:].isdigit(): return (("%z", keyword, None),) elif keyword.isdigit(): return tuple(self._legal_number("%", int(keyword), None)) return () @staticmethod def _legal_number(prefix, value, locales): legal = set("Cy") if value <= 60: legal.update("S") if value <= 59: legal.update("M") if value <= 23: legal.update("H") if 1 <= value <= 31: legal.update("d") if value <= 12: legal.update("m") return ((prefix + fmt, value, locales) for fmt in legal) @staticmethod def _optimistic_score(assignment): return 1 + (assignment.prefix is not None) + (assignment.suffix is not None)
_position_constraints = [] def month_near_day(pos): if pos.m < pos.d: return range(pos.m + 1, pos.d) else: return range(pos.d + 1, pos.m) _position_constraints.append((month_near_day, "md")) def century_then_year(pos): if pos.C + 1 != pos.y: return None return () _position_constraints.append((century_then_year, "Cy")) def hour_then_minute(pos): if pos.H > pos.M: return None return range(pos.H + 1, pos.M) _position_constraints.append((hour_then_minute, "HM")) def minute_then_second(pos): if pos.M > pos.S: return None return range(pos.M + 1, pos.S) _position_constraints.append((minute_then_second, "MS")) _value_constraints = [] def valid_day_of_month(value): """ Compute an upper bound on month-length. Even if we haven't identified all the fields needed for checking leap-years yet, we can still prune if value.d is bigger than the month can ever possibly be. """ if value.m == 2: month_length = 29 if value.y is not None: if (value.y % 4) != 0: month_length = 28 elif value.y == 0 and value.C is not None and (value.C % 4) != 0: month_length = 28 else: # Odd-numbered months are longer through July, then even-numbered # months are longer for the rest of the year. month_length = 30 + ((value.m % 2) == (value.m < 8)) return value.d <= month_length _value_constraints.append((valid_day_of_month, "md", "Cy")) def valid_12_hour_clock(value): return 1 <= value.H <= 12 _value_constraints.append((valid_12_hour_clock, "Hp", "")) _DateTime = namedtuple("_DateTime", list("CymdaHMSpZ")) _DateTime.empty = _DateTime(**dict.fromkeys(_DateTime._fields, None)) class _State(namedtuple("_State", ( "remaining_groups", "date_present", "time_present", "unconverted", "pos", "value", "fmts", "required_locales", "pending_hints", "satisfied", "globally_satisfied", ))): __slots__ = () def children(self, numeric): category, options, position_constraints, value_constraints = self.remaining_groups[0] remaining_groups = self.remaining_groups[1:] date_present = self.date_present time_present = self.time_present if category in self._all_date_formats: date_present = True else: time_present = True position_constraints = [ f for f, required in position_constraints if all( (c == category) == (getattr(self.pos, c) is None) for c in required ) ] value_constraints = [ f for f, required in value_constraints if all( (c == category) == (getattr(self.pos, c) is None) for c in required ) ] for assignment in options: if assignment.pos in self.unconverted or assignment.pos in self.pos: continue if assignment.locales and self.required_locales: locales = assignment.locales.intersection(self.required_locales) if not locales: continue else: locales = assignment.locales or self.required_locales if assignment.pos - 1 == self.pos.C and category != "y": continue pos = self.pos._replace(**{category: assignment.pos}) if position_constraints: exclude = [constraint(pos) for constraint in position_constraints] if None in exclude: continue exclude = frozenset(itertools.chain.from_iterable(exclude)) if not exclude.isdisjoint(numeric): continue if not exclude.isdisjoint(pos): continue else: exclude = () value = self.value._replace(**{category: assignment.value}) if not all(constraint(value) for constraint in value_constraints): continue fmts = self.fmts._replace(**{category: assignment.fmt}) pending_hints = list(self.pending_hints) pending_hints.append((None, ())) if assignment.prefix is not None: pending_hints.append((assignment.pos - 1, assignment.prefix)) if assignment.suffix is not None: pending_hints.append((assignment.pos + 1, assignment.suffix)) if exclude: exclude = self.unconverted.union(exclude) else: exclude = self.unconverted satisfied = self.satisfied globally_satisfied = self.globally_satisfied deferred_hints = [] for idx, hint in pending_hints: if idx is None or idx in exclude: if hint: satisfied = satisfied.copy() satisfied.update(hint) else: globally_satisfied += 1 elif idx not in pos: # Save this hint until we decide this index. deferred_hints.append((idx, hint)) new = _State( remaining_groups=remaining_groups, date_present=date_present, time_present=time_present, unconverted=exclude, pos=pos, value=value, fmts=fmts, required_locales=locales, pending_hints=tuple(deferred_hints), satisfied=satisfied, globally_satisfied=globally_satisfied, ) yield new.score() # Also allow skipping this category entirely: if category in self._min_date_formats: if self.date_present: # We already committed to a date field in this subtree, so we # can't skip this mandatory one. return # Now that we're skipping a required date field, we can't pick # any date fields in this subtree. remaining_groups = tuple( group for group in remaining_groups if group[0] not in self._all_date_formats ) elif category in self._min_time_formats: if self.time_present: # We already committed to a time field in this subtree, so we # can't skip this mandatory one. return # Now that we're skipping a required time field, we can't pick # any time fields in this subtree. remaining_groups = tuple( group for group in remaining_groups if group[0] not in self._all_time_formats ) new = self._replace(remaining_groups=remaining_groups) yield new.score() def final_score(self): new = self if self.pending_hints: satisfied = self.satisfied.copy() globally_satisfied = self.globally_satisfied for idx, hint in self.pending_hints: if hint: satisfied.update(hint) else: globally_satisfied += 1 new = self._replace(satisfied=satisfied, globally_satisfied=globally_satisfied) return new.score() def valid(self): d = None if self.date_present: # TODO: disambiguate missing century around a configurable date if self.value.C is not None: centuries = (self.value.C,) elif self.value.y == 0 and self.value.m == 2 and self.value.d == 29: # Among years divisible by 100, only those that are also # divisible by 400 are leap years. So 2000 is the only nearby # year that could work in this case. centuries = (20,) elif self.value.a is not None: # If we know the weekday, a two-digit year is unambiguous # within a four-century window. Let's just guess in a window # around the 20th/21st centuries. centuries = (20, 19, 21, 18) else: # If all else fails, use the current POSIX rule for how # strptime interprets two-digit years. if self.value.y <= 68: centuries = (20,) else: centuries = (19,) for C in centuries: d = * 100 + self.value.y, self.value.m, self.value.d) if self.value.a is None or (d.weekday() + 1) % 7 == self.value.a: break else: return None t = None if self.time_present: H = self.value.H if self.value.p is not None: # 12am is 00:00, and 12pm is 12:00 H = (H % 12) + 12 * self.value.p t = datetime.time(H, self.value.M, self.value.S or 0) if d and t: return datetime.datetime.combine(d, t) return d or t def score(self): satisfied_locales = self.required_locales locally_satisfied = 0 if self.required_locales: satisfied = [ (k, v) for k, v in self.satisfied.items() if k in self.required_locales ] else: satisfied = list(self.satisfied.items()) if satisfied: locally_satisfied = max(v for k, v in satisfied) satisfied_locales = frozenset( locale for locale, count in satisfied if count == locally_satisfied ) return self.globally_satisfied + locally_satisfied, satisfied_locales, self _min_date_formats = "ymd" _all_date_formats = _min_date_formats + "Ca" _min_time_formats = "HM" _all_time_formats = _min_time_formats + "SpZ" _State.empty = _State( remaining_groups=(), date_present=False, time_present=False, unconverted=frozenset(), pos=_DateTime.empty, value=_DateTime.empty, fmts=_DateTime.empty, required_locales=None, pending_hints=(), satisfied=Counter(), globally_satisfied=0, ) if __name__ == "__main__": import time import timeit def perf(f, repeat, number): #return () timer = timeit.Timer('f()', timer=time.process_time, globals={'f': f}) perf = min(timer.repeat(repeat=repeat, number=number)) / number print("{:.2f}ms".format(1000 * perf)) return [perf] locale_set = TimeLocaleSet.default() perf(TimeLocaleSet.default, 5, 1) parser = DateParser(locale_set) perf(lambda: DateParser(locale_set), 5, 1) examples = ( "5/6/2018, 4:45:18 AM", "20180506T114518Z", "T nov 13 12:27:03 PST 2018", "Fri Nov 9 17:49:24 PST 2018", "Fra Nov 9 17:57:39 PST 2018", "Lw5 Nov 9 17:57:39 PST 2018", "Dydd Mercher 08 mis Awst 2018 08:08:08 AWST", "Jimaata, Sadaasa 9, 5:57:39 WB PST 2018", "Arbe, November 9, 5:57:39 hawwaro PST 2018", "Jim KIT 9 5:57:39 galabnimo PST 2018", "ዓርቢ፣ ኖቬምበር 9 መዓልቲ 5:57:39 ድሕር ሰዓት PST 2018 ዓ/ም", "2018年 11月 9日 金曜日 17:23:30 PST", "公曆 20十八年 十一月 九日 週五 十七時57分39秒", "2018. 11. 09. (금) 17:23:23 PST", "2018년 11월 09일 (금) 오후 09시 15분 10초", "п'ятниця, 9 листопада 2018 17:57:39 -0800", "Misálá mítáno 9 sánzá ya zómi na mɔ̌kɔ́ 2018, 17:57:39 (UTC-0800)", "جۆمعه ۰۹ نوْوامبر ۱۸، ساعات ۱۷:۵۷:۳۹ (PST)", ) times = [] for example in examples: print(repr(example)) for fmt, value, locales in parser.parse(example): print("- {!r} = {} ({})".format(fmt, value, ' '.join(sorted(locales or ["C"])))) times.extend(perf(lambda: parser.parse(example), 10, 3)) print() times.sort() print(" ".join("{:.2f}ms".format(1000 * time) for time in times))